After two wonderful days with Joanna Roth and John Bost, Cathy and I met up with Jenny Hutchins and Pat McKeown who had just come off the ice. We stayed at their place on Coyote Trail and took a couple of days to square away gear and take care of data. Cathy spent time working at UAF (University of Alaska-Fairbanks) and I spent time trying to organize my photo gallery at ARCUS (polartrec).
Eating ice cream in Fairbanks.
On the afternoon of the 17th Jenny and Pat pulled Cathy and I out of the offices. We spent the afternoon just toodling around Fairbanks. We had ice cream at Hot Licks, stopped at Creamers field to see migratory waterfowl, saw newly born reindeer at the UAF experimental farm.
Baby Reindeer at UAF Experimental Farm.It was definitely past breakup and into spring. The temperature was balmy after being on the ice (59oF).
UAF Temperature Sign.We had a nice restaurant meal and rented a video for the evening.
The idea with the video was to keep everyone awake because our Alaska Airlines flight was the 1am red eye from Fairbanks to Seattle. I am afraid it didn’t work for me. I fell asleep and at one point had to be told to stop snoring. What a classy guy!