Daily Journal
The last day of training has arrived and all of us still have so many questions. We are assured that we will have all of our questions answered by the time we go to the field, but it is hard not to feel overwhelmed at times.
Just what are all of us anxious to know? Well here is a list of just some of the questions we have been asking.
How much stuff should I bring?
Will I be able to send and receive emails from the field?
What type of special equipment do I need to get?
What type of equipment can I borrow?
Will I be able to talk to my family while I am in the field?
How do I pee in the field?
Are the bugs really that big in the Arctic?
Exactly how cold does it get in Antarctica?
How will I be able to conduct science in such a cold climate?
What will I eat in the field?
Where will we sleep in the field?
How will my family deal with me being gone?
Will anyone actually read my journals that I am posting?
What happens if I mess up while collecting data?
How do you handle missing important events like birthdays and holidays?
And, on, and on, and on….
So yeah, you could say we all have a lot on our minds.
But luckily we have an amazing support team that will help the 2018 PolarTREC teachers, and all those we are leaving behind, who will help us prepare for our various polar adventures.
As we all get ready to travel back to our home towns later today, I leave you with this short video to give you just a little taste of what this week has been like for all of us.
Daily Haiku
Tuesday, March 27th, 2018
Amateur photos
Used to show changing climates
Will it be enough?
Wednesday, March 28th, 2018
Penultimate day
Pipelines, muskox, logistics
Friends and far north beer
Thursday, March 29th, 2018
So many questions
Anticipating our trips
Jetlag is the worst
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