Journal Entry

Transformation Station - Fairbanks, Alaska

Westmark Hotel signWestmark Hotel sign

Yes, that’s right, the National Science Foundation has identified us as PolarTREC teachers who have the potential to be transformative! Does that mean we can change shape? No, but after eating the great food here in Fairbanks, I feel like I have transformed my midsection to a slightly larger version of what I had when arriving late Saturday night. So far, our orientation has exposed us to some of the most incredible educators and professionals I have ever met. Janet, Kristin, Zeb and Ronnie are amazing people who really have the “right stuff”. They have literally transformed our group in to a cohesive unit ready for deployment in the harsh polar environment. The emphasis on safety and documentation has more than eased our anxiety about the upcoming journey we are about to embark on. Up to this point, we have learned about the PolarTREC program, what makes a successful experience, how to take the experience to the classroom, communication technologies, journaling, and field logistics and support. Ouch, my head hurts just thinking about all of this and we still have four days left of training!  Up next…how to write better journal entries (thank goodness!) and adding photos (say cheese!). Until next time, this is Jim Pottinger reminding you that science is everywhere!