This is a practice journal entry using a simplified email process using Markdown symbols. I hope it works!
Photo using satellite phone.Today we learned how to use a Satellite phone. Roy Stehle from SRI Communications, provided us with the information we need to use a satellite phone in the field. For practice, I called my wife in Pennsylvania and she said the call was crystal clear. Roy explained that the satellite phone system works off of an Iridium Satellite system, basically like a moving group of cellular phone towers in space. I also called one of the secretaries at Gateway High School in Monroeville, PA. Becky was thrilled to know that she was talking to me via satellite phone from Alaska.
Later today we will be working on public outreach and working with the media. After a presentation by Janet, Sean, Michele and Karl, we will head off for another field excursion. This afternoon, we will get a close look at the Large Animal Research Station (LARS) at the University of Alaska, hosted by Lindsey Blaine, Tour and Marketing Coordinator for LARS. Janet and Kristin said we might get chance to pet Muskox, reindeer and caribou. Tonight we head to Pioneer Park to see what these animals taste like! Yum!
Photo of UAF plaqueAnswer to yesterdays question.
All the best, Jim