Visit with CIRES Education and Outreach and CIRES Picnic
Today, I was able to visit with Dr. Susan Buhr, the director of the CIRES Education and Outreach department. She described the major goals of the Education and Outreach department and this immediately led to a brainstorming session about the possible ways to collaborate with the PolarTREC expedition. Her colleague, Emily Morton, joined us to add to the discussion. They were kind enough to supply me with resources that will assist in creating meaningful lessons on Arctic science such as the science of snow and modules that teachers could use in the classroom for teaching about climate.
Dr. Susan Buhr - CIRES Education and Outreach Director
After our meeting, the entire CIRES department attended the annual picnic located in Lafayette, CO. I spent the afternoon talking with scientists, engineers, and researchers, all in one way or another involved with CIRES. As a skier, I was really excited to talk to one of the avalanche scientists who decides when to close roads in Colorado incase of avalanche danger. He had some interesting stories about using bombs to create man made avalanches so that people would be safe driving and skiing in the mountains. Cool!
CIRES Picnic
After the picnic, I decided to do some sight seeing. I drove through Boulder and up Sunshine Canyon to a little town called Gold Hill. I really wanted to visit this small town because the Project Director for PolarTREC, Janet Warburton, is from there. I stopped in at the Gold Hill Store and sure enough, the proprietor knew who she was and gave his best wishes to her and her family. The drive up the canyon was spectacular and the drive down equally special. I saw lots of bike riders going up and down this long winding road made of asphalt and dirt. What a work out!
Me at Gold Hill sign. Notice the math problem!
Gold Hill Store - This place has everything! Great food too!
I finished the last day by having a big cookout with my Colorado family. My aunts and uncles, and cousins all came over to see me off. I felt very honored to have everyone drive just to visit with me before I go to Greenland.
Next up, preparing and packing for Greenland!
Don’t forget to check out the other PolarTREC teachers currently on expedition!