The journey begins!
Leaving the 90 degree, humid weather in PA
After a crazy morning of getting the kids ready for science camp and out the door on time, I began the final packing of my bags. It can be difficult to pack for a trip like this because of the multiple climates and unknown weather conditions. Today in Pittsburgh the temperatures reached a balmy 90 degrees F. In the next 48 hours I will be in a location with highs in the 0 to 20 degrees F. I was selective in what I packed since I would only be in warmer weather for 2-3 days and in arctic weather for 7-8 days. We were also told to bring warm clothes to wear on the flight from NY to Greenland, because the Hercules C-130 is not heated like a commercial plane.
Cold weather clothes for the plane ride to Greenland
The flight is expected to take 7 to 8 hours with a stop in Goose Bay for fuel. We also need to bring our own food and drink on board, as there will be no in-flight service (military standard).
View of Albany, NY from plane
The trip to NY was non-eventful. Fly from Pittsburgh, PA to Albany, NY with a layover in Baltimore, MD, then a 30-minute taxi ride to our hotel in Schenectady, NY where I met up with Nicolas Bayou a PhD student from CIRES. More on Nico later!
As the excitement builds, I begin to imagine what it will be like sleeping in a tent, in the middle of one of the largest ice sheets in the world, far from civilization and the equator! 24 hours of daylight will be the norm and flat white snow fields as far as the eye can see will be the view. The bus is picking us up tomorrow at 5am, better get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.