Journal Entry

Science Update

Clarification: I misidentified Trinity Island as part of the South Shetland Island Chain. It turns out that Trinity Island is part of the Palmer Archipelago. Yesterday, we moved towards sampling stations in the Bransfield Straight, just south of the actual South Shetland Islands. We sampled seawater using both rosettes at sampling stations near Livingston Island. After sampling, we were able to enjoy the beautiful views of penguin-covered glaciers, mountains and bays of the island.

Livingston Island SpectatorsMember of the science team and the ASC support team view the scenery of Livingston Island on the evening of September 18th. Glacier on Livingston IslandAreas of Livington Island are covered with glaciers that extend out in the ocean. Sometimes these areas are covered with penguins!

Today, we are traveling to Nelson Island and King George Island to collect seawater in three separate sample stations. This area is historically known for higher concentrations of iron, as compared to water in the Drake Passage and other areas of the Southern Ocean.

South Shetland Island mapSampling locations for September 19th include bays and open water near Nelson Island and King George Island. Both islands are located to the right of the highlighted Greenswich Island. By Apcbg (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

Confessions of a Biologist

I will admit that before I left for this research cruise, I would have told you that the purpose of the cruise was to study diatoms. The biologist in me didn't want to admit that ocean chemistry was also a major focus of the research. It turns out that without knowledge of the ocean chemistry, the biological analyses wouldn't tell the entire story of the diatoms. The ocean chemistry available to diatoms, in this case the nutrients and trace metals, influence the productivity of the diatoms in this region. Without the availability of certain nutrients, diatoms and other phytoplankton are unable to photosynthesize and, therefore, unable to live.

High Nutrient, Low-Chlorophyll (HNLC)

Historically, scientists recognized the Southern Ocean (along with the Sub-Arctic Pacific and the equatorial Pacific near Peru) as a low productivity area or an area with limited phytoplankton growth. They refer to the area as a HNLC (high nutrient, low-chlorophyll) region, meaning high levels of nutrients like nitrates and phosphates, but lower than expected amounts of chlorophyll used for photosynthesis. The graphics below show this HNLC concept. In the top graphic, high levels of nitrate are shown in oranges and reds. You can see that the Southern Ocean has extremely high nitrate levels (or HN). In the second graphic, the chlorophyll levels are shown (green being high). While the Southern Ocean does have areas of green indicating chlorophyll, the levels are much lower than expected (or LC) given the high amount of nitrogen in the area.

Nitrates and ChlorophyllImages reproduced with permission from Glednill & Buck, 2012

For many years, scientists believed that this low productivity in the Southern Ocean was caused by low light (light-dependency) or high amounts of zooplankton that feed on the phytoplankton in high amounts. In 1990, John H. Martin published a paper in the journal Paleogeography expressing his idea called the Iron Hypothesis. His paper claimed that iron was the limiting factor in phytoplankton productivity.


Iron is an important element for all living things. In animals, iron is required for oxygen to bind to the hemoglobin protein on our red blood cells. In plant material, iron is essential for a number of processes, including the production of chlorophyll, reducing nitrate into usable forms and fixing atmospheric nitrogen. These processes are necessary for plants and algae. Although iron is the 4th most abundant element in the Earth's crust, usable sources of iron are generally found in much lower concentrations in water. Iron can enter the water because of close vicinity to land, blowing sediments and remineralization by bacteria. In the Southern Ocean where almost everything is covered with ice or snow, there is no sediment (dust) to blow into the ocean. Iron from the continent can increase iron levels in locations close to shore, but not in the open ocean.

Continuing in Martin's Footsteps

John Martin hypothesized that the iron limitations in the HNLC areas had a major impact on the productivity of the phytoplankton. He completed experiments on water samples from the Southern Ocean to analyze the iron levels and conduct bottle experiments to see if additional iron caused higher productivity. These early experiments showed that when diatoms were provided with additional iron, their productivity increased.

In the time since John Martin proposed his Iron Hypothesis, chemists and biologist have worked together to learn more about the ocean chemistry and related biological processes in the Southern Ocean and throughout the world. The fact that iron is limited in the Southern Ocean is the basis for the research questions of this cruise. Diatoms require iron for photosynthesis, but they live in an iron-deficient area. Even inland locations with higher iron concentrations like Nelson Island and King George Island still do not provide the diatoms with the amount of iron needed for their maximum productivity. So, how are diatoms able to survive in these waters? Do diatoms have special adaptations to allow them to increase productivity? Do diatoms use relationships with other organisms to aid their ability to obtain iron? These and other questions are used to choose sample stations and sample depths throughout the trip. In fact, we are even sampling at some of John Martin's original sampling stations during this research cruise. In future journals, I will try to explain some of the specific analyses that may allow scientists to better understand the Southern Ocean productivity.


Gledhill, M. and K. N. Buck (2012). The organic complexation of iron in the marine environment: a review. Frontiers in Microbiology: 3(69), 1-6.

Martin, J.H. (1990). Glacial-Interglacial CO2 Change: The Iron Hypothesis. Paleoceanography: 5(1), 1-13.

Morel, F.M.M, and N.M Price. (2003) The biogeochemical cycles of trace metals in the oceans. Science: 300(5621), 944-947.


Vivian Tran

How is everything going in Antarctica, Mrs. Pekarcik? I'm fairly interested in how diatoms depend on iron to increase in productivity. So, would there be more diatoms on the shores of Antarctica than in the open waters?

Cara Pekarcik

Hi Vivian - this is a great question. It is possible, but it certainly depends on the chemistry of the water. If the water's near the shore have more iron, it would seem likely to find more diatoms. Remember, though, that the diatoms require other nutrients as well. If they do not have silica, nitrogen or phosphorus, they may not be able to thrive. Keep up the great questions! I am so glad you are enjoying the information!

Natalie Montero

Hello! I am a graduate student at FSU in Dr. Angela Knapp's chemical oceanography class. Since iron seems to be the main limiting nutrient for diatoms, would there be an increase in their productivity if there was an increase in runoff as a result of glacial melt, given that the Antarctic continent has enough iron to form a bloom? How common are blooms in the area? Thank you!

Cara Pekarcik

Hi Natalie - thank you for the questions. I went straight to the experts for these answers. Here is what Dr. Kristen Buck wrote in

For the first question, yes- given that there is much more iron in the
glacial ice than in the water column, melting of the glaciers might be
expected to increase diatom growth in Antarctic waters.
Regarding the second question- phytoplankton blooms in the Southern
Ocean are not just limited by iron, but also by light. So in addition to
having enough Fe, the water column has to stratify enough to keep the
mixed layer shallower than the critical depth for the phytoplankton.

On 2016-09-21 04:56, PolarTREC wrote:

Jason W, Block B

Do the levels of iron availability to diatoms directly affect their ability to photosynthesize. Why?

Cara Pekarcik

Hi Jason - Iron is a nutrient that is essential throughout the process of photosynthesis. It plays a key role in allowing electrons to pass
through the electron transport chain and it is also a major player in
the production of chlorophyll (pigment needed for photosynthesis), to
name two roles. So, it would appear as though low levels of iron would
impact the level of photosynthesis in diatoms. This is the reason for
many o the research questions under investigation during this research

On 2016-09-25 12:34, PolarTREC wrote:

Meg Powers

Hi Ms Pekarcik!Since you said that the amount of iron is very low due to the lack of sediment, would the melting of glaciers caused by global climate change increase productivity? Also, how much of the iron in more productive bodies of water comes from sediments and would it somehow be possible for the other ways iron enters the water to make up for that discrepancy?
Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Cara Pekarcik

Hi Meg - here is an answer from Dr. Kristen Buck from the University of South Florida and Dr. Randie Bundy from WHOI:

Yes, melting glaciers could be expected to bring more iron into surface
waters since there are particles of rock/dust containing iron trapped in
the ice, and this iron could fuel increased phytoplankton growth at the
surface if that was the only impact of the melting glacier. Dr. Bundy
notes that the melting ice might inhibit productivity by increasing the
turbidity (i.e. glacial flour blocking light penetration) at the surface

Some of the most productive ocean waters on the planet are coastal
upwelling zones (California and Peru margins). In these areas, sediments
are really important sources of iron to help fuel that productivity.
Basically, the patterns of winds and geostrophic currents results in a
net offshore flow of surface waters in these regions and this removal of
surface waters offshore is replaced by upwelling of subsurface waters
over the continental shelf. Where the upwelled waters interact with
shelf sediments during upwelling, iron is entrained in the waters and
the surface is highly productive. Where the upwelled waters are over a
narrow continental shelf and interact minimally with iron, the surface
waters remain less productive because all of the upwelled waters has
macronutrients, but need to get the iron from the shelf sediments.

On 2016-10-02 17:08, PolarTREC wrote:

Chelsie B.

Hello! I'm a geology grad student taking Dr. Angela Knapp's chemical oceanography class at FSU. You mentioned Martin's experiments concerning how iron limitation is affecting diatom productivity. I was wondering if there's any evidence for silica being a limiting nutrient/compound for diatoms in the Southern Ocean, or if it's only iron acting as the limiting nutrient in this system? Also, is there any chance that the areas of the Southern Ocean that are more productive and have higher chlorophyll contents could be getting iron from other sources such as hydrothermal vents or are those pockets of productivity due to some other factor--iron related or not?Thank you & hope everything is smooth sailing!

Cara Pekarcik

Hi Chelsie - thanks for following along and for the question. I decided to go to the experts to help with this answer because they
certainly know more than I. Here is information from Dr. Kristen Buck

Yes, north of the polar front, silicate concentrations are quite a bit
lower than they are south of the polar front (that was why we headed so
far south to start the incubations). Thus, north of the polar front
diatoms can become co-limited by silicate and Fe in the summer as
silicate concentrations are drawn down.

Hydrothermal iron has been shown in global biogeochemical models (see
e.g. Tagliabue et al. 2014) to have potential importance in the Southern
Ocean as an Fe source because the very deep winter mixing down here can
bring that deep Fe up to the surface. Of course, the vents themselves
are in the deep sea so that Fe has to be mixed up to the surface to
impact primary producers.

Speaking of mixing, light is an important factor influencing
productivity here. So there can be pockets of higher productivity where
winds are lighter and/or waters are warmer (basically, anything allowing
stratification). This will at least be temporarily independent of Fe
until the phytoplankton drawdown the Fe trapped in the mixed layer to a
limiting level.

On 2016-10-04 09:00, PolarTREC wrote:

Freddie Lin G block

what was the purpose of collecting the seawater?

Cara Pekarcik

Freddie - the purpose of the seawater collection is to collect seawater for all of the experiments on the boat. Take a look at the journals
about incubation experiments and you will find out more.

On 2016-09-26 06:53, PolarTREC wrote: