Journal Entry

Ok so maybe we don't have a swimming pool on deck or nightly stage show on board. Who needs them. Actually the pool might come in handy for a quick game of shinny after work as the air temperature is hovering around 0 degrees.

Life on Board update

The bunk bed. I get to sleep on the top for the first time in forty years!The bunk bed. I get to sleep on the top for the first time in forty years!

Let me give you a little tour of where we live. Our rooms are simple but comfortable. Each room is generally shared by 2 people who work opposite shifts. This allows a good nights (or days) sleep for both. I can say that it is very easy to fall asleep after a day of work.

The bathroom is designed for a rolling ship.The bathroom is designed for a rolling ship.

Each room is also equipped with a bathroom that has a shower, sink and toilet, known as a head. The water is always nice and warm and the toilet always flushes!

The laundry roomThe laundry room

The laundry room gets a lot of use. Thankfully it doesn't require quarters! It is right next to the gym and across the hall from the sauna. That gives everybody something to do as their clothes dry.

The dining room or galleyThe dining room or galley

I mentioned earlier how great the food is. The galley is not only a place to eat, but just like any house it is where we get together and talk about the day.

The satellite phoneThe satellite phone

The ship is equipped with an Iridium communication system. Using satellites, phones messages are transferred through Hawaii and then to home. A lot of people with caller I. D. get confused when they see United States Government, Hawaii on their phone when it rings. I can say honestly there are no palm trees where we are. Actually it is pretty impressive that we can call our kids, family and friends from the bottom of the Earth. The satellite phone has been dubbed the morale phone because of that. And just like the washers, no need for quarters.

The #2 loungeThe #2 lounge

I'll finish this tour with the ships living room. Called the # 2 lounge because it is on the 2^nd floor, (there are 7 floors altogether) this is where we get to relax. People play their instruments, foosball and darts. As you can see we have plenty of books to read and a big screen TV to watch movies.. I have so much to share about the workings of the ship. The next installment of life on board I'll talk about how we make water, safely dispose of our waste and a lot more. The ice is beginning to form more and more each day. We have less than 2 more weeks' of deployments then 1 week to transit back. I'll keep you posted.


Carol Scott

OK, I may have missed an explanation earlier Glenn, but what the heck is the game "Shinny?"

Glenn Clark

Sorry Carol. Shinny is a game of pick up hockey. I will be clearer in the future.


All is good at this rink. Girls are ECAC champs Boys took 5th in ECAC
6 Games ay Cheel this weekend
Looks like your doing well . Thats for your up dates

Boo Ya
