Setting Up the Lab
Today was all about setting up our lab in the Crary Science and Engineering Center. Our soil ecosystems team has a lab reserved for our use during the time we are here at McMurdo. The lab is used by other researchers during the year so when we arrived we needed to set up the lab to accommodate our research needs.
Andy Thompson opens one of the crates containing our lab supplies. The Crary Science building is in the background.Prior to our arrival one of our team members, Walter Andriuzzi, had been in contact with the lab coordinators here in McMurdo and arranged to have most of our lab equipment delivered to the lab so it would be ready for us to set up. We spent the day unpacking boxes and cleaning and organizing lab supplies. Most of our lab equipment was already in the lab and just needed to be arranged. Many of our lab supplies like beakers, tubes, and sample bags had been stored in large wooden crates that were waiting outside the lab building on pallets. Andy Thompson, Ashley Shaw and I unpacked the crates. While Scott George, Walter Andriuzzi, and Matt Hedin conducted an inventory of supplies. We all pitched in to help with cleaning and organizing.
Matt Hedin is washing beakers and tubs in the lab. Matt did the lion's share of the washing today.While we were setting up the lab the principal investigators (PI) were busy planning out the details of our field season and preparing to make requests for all of our helicopter flights.
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