Journal Entry

What is IT?

Here’s an additional Polar Points Challenge!

I received some interesting items in the mail last week and thought I’d let you take a sneak peek – literally.

This is a ‘close up' image of one of the items.

What is IT?Can you guess what this is?

Your job is to tell me What it IS!

If you are keeping track of your ‘Polar Points’ – here’s how this challenge will work.

  • 1 point per guess – (limit one guess per day)

  • 10 points for a correct guess

Submit your answers to Alex at alice.eilers [at] or aeilers [at]

Remember to include the following:

  • Your answer

  • Full Name

  • E-mail

  • School and grade level (if applicable)

This challenge closes on May 30 so… Start guessing now!

If you wish to receive an e-mail when I post a new blog – contact me at alice.eilers [at] or aeilers [at] and tell me to ‘Put me on the List’

Remember to include your name, e-mail, (school and grade level if applicable)

Good Luck!