Journal Entry

Did I get your attention with this title? Are you scratching your head saying ‘Hey, what on Earth is she talking about?’ Well, let me give you a hint, I don’t mean raw as in ‘uncooked’ or ‘painful’ – what I mean is R. A. W:

  • R - Read
  • A - Art
  • W - Write

Is it starting to become a bit clearer? Maybe this will help…

Each month (from now through the end of the year) I will encourage you to READ a book, create an ART project or WRITE about the selected ‘topic of the month’. And this month’s topic is... drum roll please…..the Polar Regions. So…


Read books about the Polar Regions * Antarctica – the continent * The Arctic region – its land or its people.

Here I am reading the book 'Polar Lands"

Catching up on a little readingAlex catching up on a little 'Polar' reading.


Create an art project about these regions. Let’s get creative - draw a picture, make an Antarctic mobile or sculpt the continent out of clay. Can you think of something else you’d rather do? Don’t be bashful – try it!


Write a short story, a poem, a letter to me, or get creative and think of something on your own. What about creating a blog – like I’m doing?

If you are keeping track of your ‘Polar Points’ – here’s how points stack up.

  • 5 point for each project you complete (i.e. read one book, draw one picture etc.)
  • 10 points if you send me a picture of you (or your class) with your project. For example - send me a picture of you reading a book, or with your completed art project or maybe reciting an Antarctic poem to your family or your class.

Remember, the more projects you do, the more points you'll receive!

Submit your creativity to Alex at alice.eilers [at] or aeilers [at]

Please include the following information:

  • Your project
  • Full Name
  • E-mail
  • School and grade level (if applicable)

This challenge closes in a month so… Start your projects today!

If you wish to receive an e-mail when I post a new blog – contact me at alice.eilers [at] or aeilers [at] and tell me to ‘Put me on the List’

Good Luck!