Journal Entry

Happy Halloween – from Antarctica everyone!

Just thought I’d share the Happy Halloween greeting I received from Dr. Jennifer Burn this morning. She is one of the researchers I will be working with in Antarctica and is currently ‘in the field’ this Halloween.

Happy HalloweenHappy Halloween from Antarctica and the folks at the Polar Geospatial Center. They are very creative!

Halloween is one of the 'big events’ during the Antarctic summer. Most people dress in costume - but it won’t get too spooky down there - as it doesn’t get dark.

‘What is IT’ photo challenge # 4

This challenge should be a little easier that the last one – which proved to be quite difficult. There were many guesses but only a few correct answers. But don’t worry; there is still time to guess! Click here for details

Sticking with this month’s animal theme – check out the October 9 Antarctica R.A.W. challenge to refresh your memory – I’ve taken a macro view (what your eye can see) of this…

What is IT challenge #4 - 1st photo Are you up for this challenge? I've taken a photo of something that you could see with your own eyes - not through a microscope this time. Can you guess what it is? What is IT challenge #4 - 1st photo Does this photo help? Both pictures are of the same object. Make your guess today!

If you’ve done this before - then you know the drill.

If this is your first challenge - your job is simply to tell me… What it IS!

‘Polar Points’

If you are keeping track of your ‘Polar Points’ – here’s how the point system will work for this challenge.

  • 1 point per guess – (limit one guess per day)

  • 5 points for a correct guess

Submit your answers to Alex at alice.eilers [at] or aeilers [at]

Remember to include the following:

  • Your answer

  • Full Name

  • E-mail

  • School and grade level (if applicable)

This challenge closes in about one month so… Start guessing now!

If you wish to receive an e-mail when I post a new blog – contact me at alice.eilers [at] or aeilers [at] and tell me to ‘Put me on the List’

Remember to include your name, e-mail, and school/grade level if applicable.

Good Luck!