Here are the Fall Festival Challenge and Explain this Picture winners!
Explain this Picture
The second graders from Grahamwood Elementary School correctly explained this picture… You put camels in the picture because Antarctica is a desert.

Yes, Antarctica is a desert and in the continents interior it gets less than 2 inched of precipitation a year. That is not very much. McMurdo Station, where I will be staying, received less than 7.5 inches of rain a year. But, we’ll talk more about this in a later journal.
Congratulations Grahamwood second graders!!
Fall Festival Challenge winner!
Janarria Williams and Shelbi Avant – 6th graders at St. John School in Memphis, TN - dressed up and wrote a speech about the Arctic explorer Sir John Franklin .
This is a picture of one of the girls dressed up as Franklin.

And here is a bit about Sir John Franklin…

Sir John Franklin, born in 1786, was an officer in the Royal Navy (British) and an Arctic explorer. Franklin joined the navy at age 15 and was a sailor at the battle of Trafalgar (one of the most important naval battles in history). He took part in four arctic expeditions - his first ones involved mapping the northeast coast of Canada and included one trip where the crew ran out of food and resorted to eating the leather parts of their shoes and clothes. His amazing adventures made for thrilling stories. When he and his crew returned to England he became a national hero.
Franklin is best known for his last expedition, which set sail on May 19, 1845, in an attempt to find the Northwest Passage (a sea route through the Arctic Ocean which would link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans). Franklin and his crew thought they were well prepared. The boats were strong and sturdy - they even packed enough food to last for three years. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. Their food may have been tainted with lead – which is poisonous. Also his ships, the Erebus and Terror (the same ships James Clark Ross led on the expedition that discovered the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica) became trapped in ice. The crew abandoned their ship and eventually died. Several rescue missions were sent to find the lost expedition - though they were unsuccessful. The British Press continued to speculate about their fate, presenting Franklin as a hero.
Congratulations Janarria and Shelbi! Keep up the great work!