Journal Entry


This challenge is going to be great!

We are starting to see seals! And the pups we're seeing right now are actually quite large - since they were born last October/November. So I asked the team if they could dig up some photos of newborn pups for this week's challenge. Boy, do we have some good ones!

But before we get to the new PUP PIC'S - you can still vote for the first two challenges:

Week one - 'FLORA FLICKS'. This journal also tells you about the contest.

Week two - '30 MINUTE FLICKS'.


Week one - 'FLORA FLICKS' - Still tied for the lead - is Photo number 103 and 104.

Week two - '30 MINUTE FLICKS' - 203 is currently in the lead. Followed closely - in a tie for second - is 204 and 206

Here are their pictures. Are you up for the challenge?

We are titling this challenge 'PUP PIC'S' - and here are the entries.

Photo #301Photo #301 - courtesy of Kim Goetz Photo #302 Photo #302 - courtesy of Patrick Robinson Photo #303Photo #303 - courtesy of Patrick Robinson Photo #304Photo #304 - courtesy of Luis Huckstadt Photo #305Photo #305 - courtesy of Luis Huckstadt Photo #306Photo #306 - courtesy of Michelle Shero Photo #307Photo #307 - courtesy of Kim Goetz Photo #308Photo #308 - courtesy of Kim Goetz


You - the voters - will need to submit your votes through the 'Ask the Team' section of my website - and feel free to ask a question while you are at it!

Here are the procedures:

  • Go to the 'Ask the Team' section of my web page:
  • Click on the New Topic button.
  • Enter the photo contest title in the Subject line. For example, 'PUP PIC'S'
  • Enter your votes in the Body section - see sample below. Feel free to provide your name and/or school - if appropriate.
  • Click the Send button. (Sometime it will ask for certain verifications).

If for some reason you can't get this to work, you can always e-mail your entry to me at aeilers [at] Please remember to put the photo challenge topic in the subject.

Voting example

  • First selection - photo #004
  • Second selection - photo #005
  • Third selection - photo #001