Frozen Water - Video Journal - Part 2
This video is a continuation of the 'Freezing Water' video we did on February 5
In this activity you can explore how the formation of ice on the surface of saltwater in Polar Regions affects the salinity of saltwater in a process referred to as 'brine rejection'. We also compare the densities of frozen sea ice and the unfrozen water.
Enjoy the video and be sure to try out the activity!
And again - just for fun... here are a few bloopers... that should make you laugh!
The video was adapted from an activity called Brine Rejection Activity found here: Look under the Wednesday activities.
By the way - there are many more excellent Polar related activities on this website. It's well worth a look!
Thank you Mort and Julie with the UMASS 2010 STEM IPY Summer Institute for developing all of these activities!