Last night after a long day of orientation, a few fellow PolarTREC teachers and I decided to unwind with a night out on the town... the town of Fairbanks, that is.

Just like it does in Chicago, a night out requires a fair bit of primping and preparation. I don't mean the straighten-your-hair-and-get-your-nails-done type of preparations, I mean the layer-up-so-you-don't-die type!
For my night out, here's what I wore:

No, I did not just unpack everything in my suitcase. That is actually what I wore. The temperature was around -2 degrees Fahrenheit.
Want to hear something crazy?? This is considered spring weather! I've seen people wearing shorts on three different occasions so far.
Want to hear something else crazy?? I was still cold.
I have a feeling that learning to survive in and make the best of the cold weather will definitely be a big theme in my Antarctic adventures.
Anyway, lest you think that I was all dressed up with nowhere to go, let me tell you that a group of us piled into a taxi (literally... ask Tom Lane to demonstrate the "8th-man squat" sometime) and went to the 2013 World Ice Art Championships at the new Ice Park in Fairbanks. It was there that I first witnessed the magic that can be made with a block of ice and some good carving tools.
Here are a few of my faves:

After about this point, my toes went missing in my boots and my camera actually refused (not so politely, might I add) to take any more pictures due to the cold. So that is about when my night out drew to a close.
All in all, it was truly an evening of magic.