Last night after a long day of orientation, a few fellow PolarTREC teachers and I decided to unwind with a night out on the town... the town of Fairbanks, that is.
The Golden Heart City, so nicknamed for the warmth of its 32,000 residents, is the second biggest city by population in Alaska.Just like it does in Chicago, a night out requires a fair bit of primping and preparation. I don't mean the straighten-your-hair-and-get-your-nails-done type of preparations, I mean the layer-up-so-you-don't-die type!
For my night out, here's what I wore:
Yes, that is correct: 3 pairs of pants, 3 shirts, a fleece, a vest, a coat, 2 hats, 2 pairs of gloves, a scarf, 2 pairs of socks, and boots.No, I did not just unpack everything in my suitcase. That is actually what I wore. The temperature was around -2 degrees Fahrenheit.
Want to hear something crazy?? This is considered spring weather! I've seen people wearing shorts on three different occasions so far.
Want to hear something else crazy?? I was still cold.
I have a feeling that learning to survive in and make the best of the cold weather will definitely be a big theme in my Antarctic adventures.
Anyway, lest you think that I was all dressed up with nowhere to go, let me tell you that a group of us piled into a taxi (literally... ask Tom Lane to demonstrate the "8th-man squat" sometime) and went to the 2013 World Ice Art Championships at the new Ice Park in Fairbanks. It was there that I first witnessed the magic that can be made with a block of ice and some good carving tools.
Here are a few of my faves:
Big enough for a family of four, furnished, 1 full bath, and pre-lit Christmas tree! A valiant knight fights off a vicious dragon. This was one of the winners in the 'Realistic' category, and came complete with a damsel in distress. She is tied to a pole in the background. Did you know that polar bears play instruments made of ice? Apparently they do. Nell and I are groupies! A very realistic globe. It even had the 23.5 degree tilt!After about this point, my toes went missing in my boots and my camera actually refused (not so politely, might I add) to take any more pictures due to the cold. So that is about when my night out drew to a close.
All in all, it was truly an evening of magic.