Journal Entry
Google map of Toolik Field Station.
While today consisted of many of the typical daily tasks of field work (thaw depth measurements, soil sampling) a highlight was checking out a red fox den near Toolik Station. Red foxes are relatively common on the North Slope. They have longer legs and ears than arctic foxes and also have white-tipped tails. The red fox is also not specially adapted for Arctic habitats, which is why you can find it in so many places across the world. Red foxes eat small mammals (voles, lemmings), birds, bird eggs, berries, and invertebrates.
The best part about this den is that it is home to five baby red foxes! Here are all the cute photos you've been waiting for.
How many baby fox cubs can you count? Double Trouble. Hiding out. Up close. Who doesn't love playing in the snow?
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