Journal Entry

Arriving at PolarTREC Orientation on Saturday evening was met with excitement, anxiousness and a real curiousity for the unknown. Even as I made the third leg of my flight from Seattle to Fairbanks, I knew this was going to be a "true adventure". I felt as though our 757 was "chasing" the sun. The horizon seemed red-pink the entire journey. Kristen had prepared us for the long Arctic days, but you can't fully appreciate that until you experience it for yourself.

I would say "after a night of restful sleep" my adventure got underway - BUT - it was NOT restful. My body was still adjusting to the differences in the time zones as well as sleeping on the airplane. Morning came soon enough and it was time to get underway! Incidentally, every night since arriving in Fairbanks, I have awoken at 3:45 a.m. fully alert. That is my body saying "aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's 7:45 a.m. and YOU are late for school". I am anticipating fully adjusting to Alaska time at the time of my departure on Sunday!

After 5 minutes of the PolarTREC "introductions", I realized what incredible teachers I was in the company of. Each teacher is so unique and brings such incredible experiences and diverse backgounds to our group of PolarTREC 2010. The teachers are as unique and diverse as the expeditions for which we have been chosen. I can't wait to get to know the teachers better and learn more about their expeditions.

PolarTREC 2010

After only 3 long Arctic spring days, we are bonded. We are a cadre of explorers charged with bringing this adventure, our adventure, and polar sciences into our classrooms, schools and communities. We have learned together...the basics of our polar expeditions, new computers, software, cameras, gear, etc. We have laughed together...we have broken bread and talked and talked together.

Be a Moose

I am extremely excited about what the rest of our orientation has in store for us. I can't wait to learn more and practice and practice the things we will be using in the field. This is the beginning...the first step in a grand adventure! I hope you will follow along!

Clouds over the Tanana River