Journal Entry

Today was the day our host students have been preparing for over the past 5 was their Primary Years Program. This was an Exhibition of a culmination of everything they learned since first grade! It was great to watch them present their projects, presentations, sing and dance. They were also awarded their diplomas and there were many speakers!

PYP ExhbitionPrimary Years Program (PYP) Exhibition that is the culmination of all learning through the primary grades - first through fifth grades!

The PYP exhibition took most of the day. I managed to get a photo of each of the Graham delegates with their host moms or families.

Addie and Renata at PYP ExhibitionAddie and Renata with her family at the PYP Exhibition

Justin and Marilu, his host momJustin with Marilu, his host mom at the Olinca Primary Years Program Exhbition

Grant and Monica, his host momGrant with Monica, his host mom at the Olinca Primary Years Program Exhbition

MIkey and Claudia, his host momMikey with Claudia, his host mom at the Olinca Primary Years Program Exhbition

In the evening, Reni had a birthday party. Most of the children attended the party. It was a Casino party where the children played games, won money, ate lots of food and then bid on auctioned prizes. It was a great fiesta! I really enjoyed the party because Reni is my "Mexican daughter" and I got a chance to meet all of her wonderful family!

Dancing at Reni's Birthday PartyReni hosted a birthday party that was attended by many of the students of the class, including most of the Ohio delegation!

Reni and her FamilyThis is a photo of Reni's mama, grandma, GREAT grandma, GREAT grandpa, myself and Addie

Tomorrow is Father's Happy Father's Day to all of the Dads reading this email! I willnot post a journal tomorrow as I willnot see the students again until Monday!  Signing off from Mexico City....Chantelle Rose