Journal Entry

Hola...Que Paso...Hello, What's Up? I haven't written for a while, so I want to catch you up. The students were on their own with their families all weekend. Each family did different things, parks, church, shopping, etc. I attended a 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration of my host daughter's grandparents! They actually got married again...for the THIRD time...once, again at 25 years and now at 50 years! What a fiesta THAT was!

Claudia and her FamilyClaudia and her family with her grandparents who

Saturday night, Megan and I had dinner with Mauricio's Papa and family. Mauricio is hosting MIkey. It looks like MIkey is having a GREAT experience with his host family!

Mikey, his host family and MeganMikey with his host family, Mauricio, his father and brother and Megan, a chaperone

Monday was the last regular, regular school day. Monday Assembly took place. It was shorter than lat week. The children worked in their classes and played with their new friends.

Olinca Monday AssemblyOlinca Monday Assembly

Tuesday, the Graham ISSE delegation gave their presentation to the entire Fifth Grade of Olinca Periferico. They talked about the United States, Ohio and Graham Local Schools. They did a Powerpoint, danced the Electric Slide and the Chicken Dance. They also shared Dum Dum suckers that are made in Bryan,Ohio. We gave gifts of an Ohio picture book, a paperback book and a beautiful Christmas tree ornament. The presentation was well received and the kids did a great job!

Grant during the ISSE PresentationGrant during the ISSE Presentation

Mikey during the ISSE PresentationMikey during the ISSE Presentation

Justin during the ISSE PresentationJustin during the ISSE Presentation

Addison during the ISSE PresentationAddison during the ISSE Presentation

Tomorrow, we are off for our final field trip...Pyramid of the Sun!!! Stay tuned for more pictures! Signing off from Mexico City, 2010 PolarTREC Teacher, Chantelle Rose!