SNOW in Anchorage!!!
We arrived in Anchorage last night...there was SNOW and it was COLD!!! It was such a long day...we really just grabbed dinner and then went to bed.

This morning, I had a chance to go exploring! I started at the Millennium Hotel. They have many Alaskan animals that have been preserved by a taxidermist. The polar bear was HUGE! I really hope that I see a live one on the expedition.

The price of gas in Alaska was a little surprising...$3.87 per gallon. Alaska has many crude oil operations and the “famous Alaskan pipeline”.

After I walked down the street, I took a stroll around Lake Hood. It is home to the Lake Hood and Anchorage Seaplane base...the largest and most busy seaplane base in the WORLD! Unfortunately, it was not the season to see float planes in action. I did catch a few sitting on the shore.

My final view as I approached my hotel was of the mountains...they were beautiful and snow covered!

Question of the Day
What percentage of oil used in the United States is produced in Alaska? Cite your resource!
Stayed tuned to this journal as I continue making my way to the USCG Cutter Healy!! Until then...
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever” Mohandas Gandhi