Thank you Veterans! Sending out a special message to all who are currently serving or have served in the US Armed Forces and their families. Thank you for your dedication in maintaining the freedoms that we so enjoy! Verteran's Day was originally Armistice Day and was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919 to commemorate the ending of World War I, which happened on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. Thank you crew of the USCG Healy for keeping us safe during our science operations!

We are currently steaming North through the Bering Sea and plan to remain on that course for the next 36-48 hours. There is a small weather window in the Bering between pressure systems that are predicted to produce 75 knot winds and 30 foot seas. We have been instructed to secure for sea! We are hoping to do at least one net tow a day until we reach the far North and then we will begin with the planned sample stations.

For today's net tow, I was not on the deck. We have so many hands, not everyone needed to suit up and go outside. My job today WAS to learn to “pick copepods”. However, when the team was outside preparing for the net tow, a GIANT wave splashed over the fantail...Operation ABORTED! No tow today!

Several years ago, I applied to the PolarTREC program, a program that pairs teachers who would like to experience an actual scientific research experience with researchers who would like to bring a teacher along on their expedition. I was invited by Dr. Ashjian to sail with her on this Winter Voyage. In today's journal, I will spotlight my researcher, Dr. Carin Ashjian.

Dr. Ashjian is a Senior Scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. That is a position similar to a Professor at a University or College. It is a tenured position. She is a biological oceanographer and does mostly research but she could teach courses if she wanted to. She writes grant proposals, analyzes data, writes scientific papers, and participates in a variety of activities associated with forming scientific projects or programs, facilitating the conduct of science, overseeing research, and using science to inform policy makers.

She received a BA from Cornell University in biology and a PhD in Oceanography from the University of Rhode Island. The most enjoyable part of her job is going to sea, analyzing data, and putting together the story from that work.

When asked “what advice she would give someone who may be interested her your career field, she said to make sure you have a good background in "foundation" topics. These include English, writing, and math in addition to your chosen area of specialization. You cannot succeed in this field unless you can write. Choose research topics that you enjoy and about which you are excited...and don't be afraid to try!
A brief note about the food aboard the Healy , it has been AMAZING! I told the XO today that I would mention the wonderful food we have been eating! Today's lunch, fish tacos, wonderful shrimp, scallops, shrimp bisque, salad...mmmmm!
Stayed tuned to this journal as we continue our exciting voyage on the USCG Healy!
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” - Mohandas Gandhi