Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 09/20/2011 - 19:07


I have two questions for you.

How many times have you went diving ever since you were teaching science?

Also anther question, How many years have you been teaching science?

Thanks, Macey. Mr. Messick's Class.

Michael League

Macey,I started teaching science 6 years ago. Since I started, I have
probably done 50 dives or so. This year so far I have done 18 in
Antarctica! Overall, I have done a little over 200 dives in my career.
Thanks for the questions!


Mr. Leauge:I have a question for you.
When you dive is it scary to you or Fun?


Oh yeah forgot my name, Macey

Michael League

Macey,Definitely more fun than scary. Every once and awhile there is a second
where you are reminded that what we are doing can be potentially
dangerous and we need to always put safety first. Most of the time
though, I think more fun than scary.
Thanks for another great question!