Today's photo is a "Howdidyadothat?" The first person that can respond in the forum that can explain what is going on in this photo will receive a personal postcard from Antarctica.

Howdidyadothat?What's going on in this picture? (Photo courtesy of Dr. Stacy Kim)


Can't help myself and need to respond. Fun stuff at the end of the dive for a safety stop. I will leave the specifics for someone else to guess.-Robbie

Michael League

Hey Everyone,Robbie gave everyone a big hint. I did this at the end of a dive.
What's going on in the photo? Can anyone figure it out?


Mr. LeagueWe can see the dive hole on the left and the air bublles going up so we think you are standing upside down on the bottom of the ice in the water. We are not real sure about the safety aspect however!
Mr. Messicks Class

Michael League

Mr. Messick's class,You are so smart! That's right, I am upside down with my feet on the
ice ceiling! You can do this in a dry suit, because when you tip upside
down, all the air rushes to your feet, pinning you to the ice. Pretty
cool, huh?
(it's not too unsafe, by the way)

Michael League

I almost forgot! I owe you a postcard. What's the address atGeorgetown Elementary. Hit up my email ( and I'll
get a postcard to you from Antarctica.