What do you think this Antarctic mystery item is?

mystery photoCan you guess what this is? A prize awaits the person with the first successful answer in the forum.


I'm going to go with safety shower, based on your theme!Enjoying your posts- keep up the great work!!
-Bill Schmoker, Longmont, CO (& 2010 PolarTREC Teacher)

Michael League

Bill, Nice work! You got it and quickly too. It was the head of the safety shower. Future ones will need to be harder. Hit up my email (mleague@polartrec.com) with your mailing address and we'll get a postcard out to you.
Thanks for following along! For everyone else out there, stay tuned for another mystery photo and prize give-away!


Hey Mike, I have no idea but I hope we will still get a postcard-It has been exciting for us to follow you-love denise

Michael League

Thanks, Denise! Hope all is well with you. Maybe some of the othermystery photos will be up your alley, so keep checking back. Thanks for