Okay, it's time for another of our mystery photo contests. First to reply back receives a postcard from Antarctica. Hint: we'll be using this device tomorrow....

mystery photo 3Do you have any ideas what this device does?


I think it is a strainer to filter the sediment you are bringing up from the bottom of the ocean. You will strain the water out and be able to pick through the left over stuff to find the worms.I miss you, Theodore!
Love, Anna (Mrs. D'Annecy's niece)

Michael League

Anna,You definitely got the right function (job) that the mystery device
performs. I owe you a postcard. Send me an email
(mleague@polartrec.com) with your mailing address.
Since Anna got the function, does anyone know the name of this
scientific device? I'll offer a second postcard to the first person who
comes up with the right name for this mystery device.


Mr. LeagueWe have 2 guesses, 1 is it some kind of strainer
2 it looks like the front of a light that you may use underwater
Mr Messick's class

Michael League

Great guess Mr. Messick's class. You are right - it is a strainer. Butscientists don't call it that. Do you know any other names for that
beside "strainer"? It's a tough one - you might need to look it up!


Mr. Leaguewe think the name scientists call the strainer is a sieve. We watched your diving video and you looked magnificent! (that is our word of the day!)
Mr Messick's class

Michael League

Mr. Messick's class,You are so smart (and right!). I owe you a postcard. Send your mailing
address to my email (mleague@polartrec.com).
Great work!
P.S. Thanks for the compliment, but you should see the seals underwater
- they are magnificent!


mariowhere is phil in Antarctica doing now?

Michael League

Hey Mario,Phil is great! He's been learning a lot and seeing/doing so many cool
things. I can't wait to share them with you and your class. I have
emailed Mr. Messick about doing something together. Maybe then, you can
see everything that Phil has been up to!


Hey it's me again Mario. What is Theodore doing now.