Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 10/07/2011 - 05:43

We are a group of 7th graders from Sacred Heart in Kingston, MA.

We are interested in the number of animals such as seals and penquins you have encountered on this expedition.

Michael League

Hi 7th graders from Sacred Heart!Thanks for the great question.
Bad news, first. Our penguin count is currently at 2. There were 2
Emperor Penguins out at the sea ice runway. Penguins are such cool
animals and we hope to see them every time we go out on the sea ice.
Unfortunately, many penguins are just beginning to move around on the
continent. Hopefully, we'll see some more before we leave.
As for seals, there have been too many Weddell seals to count. We see
them above the water, lounging on the sea ice (or even in our dive
huts!). We see them in the water swimming gracefully. It has been a
real treat to see so many this year. It's also been a real pleasure to
hear them in the water. They make amazing sounds underwater.
Thanks for following!