Hi Michael,

We are enjoying your journals immensely – especially the ones about the Weddell seals. And since we are preparing for a Weddell seal mini exhibit - I was wondering if you would share some of your high-res photos for use in the exhibit – with permission from the photographers of course.

Our favorites are the underwater ones - 2 are titled ‘Weddell swimming’ and the other is titled ‘Weddell peering’ (these titles are on your photo page). Or really any other ones you see fit.

OK the ‘Big jellyfish’ and ‘Jellyfish swimming’ are also to cool to resist.

Just let me know – we are not in any big rush.

Thank - Alex

Alex Eilers

OK - I keep finding more.Could you also send the awesome pic of the sea spider and Auroral 1 and 2 (with permission of course.
Thanks again!!! Alex

Michael League

Thanks, Alex.I just sent the requested photos to your email. Let me know if you need
anything else. I can't wait to be following your expedition!
It won't be long now!


are u having fun up there? are the seals nice and friendly? how long have u been up there?

Michael League

Yes, we are having a lot of fun (and working hard). This marks my sixthweek in Antarctica and I have to say the time has flown by. In another
two weeks, I'll be leaving....
As for the seals, they have been curious and friendly. No major issues,
except the one that took over our hut for a little bit. All in all,
it's been great to see and hear them underwater, swimming around.
Thanks for the question and for following.