Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 09/08/2011 - 11:53

Hello from Pennsylvania! This is Maddy, Semhar, Mila and Elizabeth! We have a few questions about what it's like in Antarctica. Mostly about the creatures that live under the ice. We saw pictures of the beautiful sea stars and volcano sponges. We wondered if there is a difference between sea stars and starfish. Also, why are volcano sponges called what they are? Is is because they look like a volcano? Do they actually erupt? And what do they spew? Mila was also wonders if you get nervous before a dive? We all agreed that it would be terrifying to plunge into the really small hole into icy waters, but then once you saw the amazing scenery, you would forget about the danger that you are potentially in. Do you like SCUBA diving more in the antarctic, or in warmer waters?