Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 09/10/2011 - 07:26

Hi Mr.Leage this is John Glenn from st.mark catholic school in south florida

I was wondering how long does it take to put on all your gear,and how long is one dive.

from John

Michael League

Hey John,Great questions! I like to move slowly in preparing for a dive. So I
would say it takes about 10 minutes to pack my dive bag and prepare my
regulator/tank and 7 minutes to get my thermal layers and drysuit on.
Once we get out to the dive site, it takes me about 10 minutes to put
everything on before I jump in.
As for the dive length, Antarctic dives vary based on the jobs we're
doing under the ice and what depths we are working at. Some dives are
short (20 minutes) and some dives are longer (60 minutes). Some divers
who work on the pier at Palmer Station spend hours in the water. I
would say a good average time is 45 minutes.
Thanks for following along.


Mr. League, thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Your work is facinating.Sincerely,
John Glenn, 6th Grade
St. Mark Catholic School
Boynton Beach, Florida