Hello Mike. Again, amazing journals & videos. Hearing the vocalizations of the seals was wonderful & if you can convince your videographer (?Adam?) seeing them would be truly magnificent!!!
Your journal started with stating that you would be doing surface supply dives to collect sediment; however, watching the video, you did not appear to be in surface supply gear . . . ? Am I visualizing incorrectly?
Secondly, are all of your sediment / worm collections done from shallow sediment as seen on the video? Or do you dig down further to ascertain differences in worms at differing levels of sediment?
Finally, the worm lab . . . is the water pumped in from the sound temperature controlled so that it matches the outdoor environment? I would think that being in an enclosed building would alter the ambient temperature of the water.
So happy to see Theodore has a compadre. Hello to both Theodore & Ms. W.