Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 08/21/2011 - 16:56

Hello this is Abby Gibbons from St. Mark Catholic School, and I what to ask if the traveling to New Zealand was fun, Micheal League. I can't stay in my own car for 1 minute without being bored. Write back soon;I what to know if you and the others had fun traveling to New Zealand and had fun changing times.

Michael League

Hey Abby, Traveling can be tiring and boring, I agree. However, the right
people make all the difference in helping to pass the time. We have a
great team and together we've shared lots of stories, laughs, and found
different ways to pass the time. New Zealand was a blast! We explored
the city of Christchurch, walked in the park, and met a lot of
interesting people. (You'll see a whole journal entry about it
tomorrow.) If you ever get the chance, I would definitely recommend
that you visit.