Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 08/23/2011 - 17:02

HI, Mike! I'm Carey a student at Saint Mark's Catholic School. How do the worms endure the sheer cold, how do the worms obtain there energy, and are any worm species poisonous. THANK YOU SO MUCH. From,Carey.


Please work.

Michael League

Hi Carey, Yes, we did get your posts. Sometimes it takes a few minutes for
them to appear, so don't panic. You asked some great questions.
Looking at how the worms have adapted to survive in water that it 28˚F
is a major part of our project. Dr. Marsh and the team are interested
in the worm's DNA and how certain parts of that DNA allow the worm to
live in this cold water. The worms get their energy just like you and I
do, by eating! We'll be getting some underwater photos and video of
where the worm lives so you can see what's available to eat. Finally,
there are some poisonous polychaetes, but not the ones we are studying.
Great questions! Keep them coming!