Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 08/31/2011 - 17:11

Hello I am a student of hidrobiology at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos from Peru... well my question is about what kind of marine worms are there???

thank you


Michael League

Hi there!I just posted a response to Willy, also from Peru. He asked a very
similar question. Basically, there are many kinds of marine worms, and
even many kinds that live in the waters around Antarctica. Each worm
deserves a lot of study because they are each unique and we have much to
learn about each of them. Our group will be studying two worm species
in particular, both from a group known as polychaetes. We are looking
for *Capitella perarmata* and *Spiophanes tcherniai*. We're just
getting started and we'll share a lot about all of the groups of worms
that we find from the polychaetes, nemertina, featherduster worms, and
bristle worms.
Thanks for the question and keep following. We'll have a lot more
information about marine worms over the next week or two.


thank Mike!!your spanish es very good
I'll be waiting for more information