Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 04/20/2012 - 08:17

What time do you start and end your research everyday? Ashley perry

Tim Spuck

Ashley,My typical schedule is as follows: :-)
6:15 AM - Up and get a shower
7:00 AM - Head over to the airplane (about a 10 min walk)
7:15 AM - All flyers must be on board the aircraft.
I get my coffee, look at the flight plan to see where we are going for the day. The flight plan is selected at 6:30 AM based on current weather conditions) and walk around the airplane and talk to the scientists and engineers about the days activities.
8:00 AM the door is closed and we are buckled in ... shoulder straps and lap belts.
8:15 AM we are in the air headed to our target area.
We fly the mission. While in the air I spend more time talking to everyone about their research and try to get a better understanding about how the instrument works and how the data can be accessed and used. I also spend a lot of time capturing the days mission via pictures and video.
4:15 PM Land from our mission.
6:00 PM Have a science meeting with the entire team (~about 20 people)
7:00 PM have dinner
8:30 PM Check email upload journal entry ... try to ... Internet is very slow.
12:00 AM - go to bed.
And as long as the weather is good we fly 6 days a week, so it gets to be a long week for everyone. Come Sunday everyone is ready for a day off.
Thanks for your question! Tim