Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 07/31/2007 - 16:23

Hi Peggy!

Greetings from Australia! I see from the site you are looking at "recent" lake sediments ... how recent? How deep will you be sampling?

Hope you have a great time up there!

Lynda Creedy 

Peggy Foletta

Hi, Lynda. So good to hear from you. Today at Hallet Lake we collected samples that are a year old along with temperature sensors. The top sample was from about 4 meters below the surface and the bottom sample was from about 1 meter from the bottom. The sediment cores the team collects, and we will collect one at Allison Lake (our next lake), are typically Holocene, or 10,000 year cores. The oldest core the team has collected went back 32,000years and was 8 meters long. It was from the Ahklun Mountains!