Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 11/30/2007 - 11:56

How is the weather and food in Antractica? Whats it like?


Hour 2

Brandon Gillette

Food:  Right now while we're in McMurdo there is a full service cafeteria.  Several different main dishes, usually some kind of salad dish, veggies, bread, deserts, including soft serve!  The food is really quite good!  Once we get to WAIS Divide, things shouldn't change too much, though there will be a smaller number of people in the camp itself.Weather:  The weather is a bit weird.  It snows a little bit almost everyday.  It doesn't really stick around though.  It is all a very dry snow, so what falls is very easily blown out onto the sea ice and ice shelf that surrounds the station.  The temps are always in the mid 10s to mid or upper 20s, at least this time of year.  They can always go up or down if a storm rolls in.  There is some weather forcasting that can be done with a large number of stations around the continent that help to monitor the current weather.  These forcasts, as with those back home, aren't very accurate out to more than a day or so, and as you know in Kansas, even that can change in a few minutes!