Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 11/30/2007 - 11:58


I hope you had a marvelous flight. I know I always become extremely light headed and my ears pop like crazy whenever I fly; but somehow I still like flying. :) New Zealand sounds nice. I don't think I'll ever go there in my lifetime. I'll probably go to New England though.

 Did you purpose the idea that everyone at school should be able to post on here? Really, I wonder how you'll have the time to read these when you're in Antarctica. I suppose it would be rude if you didn't read or ask the kids to post, but it's always nice to get away from work once in a while.

 School's going to be out for the weekend in about five minutes, so I'll get going. I hope you have a good weekend,


 Sixth hour.


           Hey... how is everyhting? Im guessing you really don't like getting up early every morning just to find out your flight is not coming for another day!! Well class is good and we pretty much know everything there is to know on elements. Next week we will be doing the 100 point project on elements, which sould be fun!! Anyways i hope your flight comes tommorrow.
         See ya 
          Ryleigh K.  4th hour

Brandon Gillette

Hello Meghan and Ryleigh.  Yes, we finally made it.  After just over 24 hours without email I had over 120 emails to work on responding too.  I'm in the process of rethinking how we're going to make this work, because you're right, I have work to do down here and really am going to need some sleep over the next several days before we head into the field.I hope things are going well back in Kansas.  Ryleigh, you can thank Slaven for assigning the element project.  By the way, I hope you know all there is to know, there will be a 1,000 point quiz when I get back! 