Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/07/2007 - 11:36

Cool Hey HOMIE G! This is Casey Gum, Claire Kebodeaux, Chris Lansford, and Jen Noble. We wanted to say HEY! How are the penguins??? Will you bring one back? Tongue out Are you freezing cold yet? What's the temperature there? Have you seen many other animals besides penguins?

Brandon Gillette

Hey there Casey, Claire, Chris and Jen.  Quick update for you all.  No animals yet, maybe tomorrow?!?!  I'm hoping, but not all is lost.  I'll have a week here on my way home too where I can try and get into the field a bit more.  No, I won't be bringing a penguin back, sorry.  Temps are still in the low 20s down to the upper 10s.  Not too bad at all really.Cheers,~Gillette