Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 12/05/2007 - 11:30

Hello my name is Happy Grady. i would like to now if u throw water in the air does it freeze before it hit's the ground??? When is the coldest part of the day?? 

Brandon Gillette

It's not quite cold enough for water to freeze in mid air.  In fact, there is liquid water around here is a lot of places.  As the sun moves across the sky, it's radiation alone will help to melt the snow and cause runoff.  When that area goes into the shade, it refreezes.  This does pose some problems for walking around sometimes, but it isn't too bad.  The colder part of the day is probably 'night' when the sun is a tad lower in the sky.  Less direct light, but even then, it doesn't vary more than 10-15 degrees, unless there is a storm coming in. Cheers,~Gillette