Hello Brandon!
Liam is in our class and your mom told us about your adventure! We have a couple of questions for you.
1. How cold is it?
2. Where do you sleep?
3. How do you keep warm?
4. How do you get your food?
5. Do you have a camp that you stay at?
6. Where do you go to the bathroom at?
7. Is it just wide open space there?
8. What kind of animals are there?
9. Has anyone got frostbite yet?
10. Have you disovered anything out of the ordinary?
11.HAve you fallen through the ice?
12. What are some of the thing that you have learned?
13. Have you discovered any new animals?
14.Is it really preety there? We have seen some of your pictures but we want to know first hand?
15.Is the sky clear or does it have lots of clouds?
16. Has there been any storms there lately?
17. Have you experienced global warming there?
18. Have you meet anyone who lives there?
Sorry there are alot of questions, we are just eager to learn.
From,: Ms. Wagner's Class