Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/07/2007 - 11:56

heyy gillette! hows antarctica? have you left mcmurdo?? are there rainbows where you are?? well i hope you are having a good time, see you in 2008.     abbi ctjhs


heyy its maddie... i miss you gillette. well seen any penguins last night. have you made any snow mans yett? o i so wish i was there..  maddie ctjhs 6th hour

 sup hommie gizzle its d dizzle in da hizzle thats pretty much it um were do u go to the bathroom, yo is it like a port-a-potty? okay well d dawg is outta here

derek hr. 6


Brandon Gillette

Abbi, good question.  We don't get rainbows in the traditional sense because there is no liquid water like raindrops to form them.  However, ice crystals in the atmosphere can do some pretty cool things as well.  There are what we call sundogs, and also a halo effect around the sun.  It's really pretty cool.  In fact, there is a whole section of science dedicated to atmospheric optics such as these.  Google sundogs and look at some images.  I think you'll be impressed.Maddie, no animals yet.  Maybe tomorrow.  I will certainly put a journal post as soon as I see something and put pictures up as well.  No snowman either.  The snow here is a very dry snow, not ideal for building snowmen at all.
Derek, read your journals and look at the pictures.  There are bathroom pictures in the photo gallery and there have been numerous other posts about this topic as well.