Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 08:38


Hey Cameo

how you've been lately? i hope good and i just decied to start a new topic so yeah im all right just busy with school and im sorry i didnt reply back on time so....... i really think the way you guys are making S.A.R.A i was just soo intrested in joining you guys making S.A.R.A because i thought it was really cool but yeah me and my class are still get sediments from the pond and i think some research also but we are almost done with the pond but i hope to hear from you again { ASAP } haha funny so yeah i got to go bye cameo.


                                                                                                                   your friend,

                                                                                                                   Andrea Boyd

Cameo Slaybaugh

Hi Andrea -
I just got home from camping and I was really happy to read your e-mail.  I took my students camping for three days.  We had a blast!  We went fishing and hiking, had a scavenger hunt, and went on the "Ghost Train."
I would love to hear more about what you all are doing with the sediments that you collected from the pond. 
What types of test are you conducting? 
What kinds of results are you getting? 
Is it as fun as it sounds?
I can't wait to get your answers and feel free to ask me questions.  Talk to you soon.
Cameo :) 
P.S.  I wish you lived closer because then you might be able to help us with S.A.R.A.  Jillian told me that you all are going to try and make your own ROV in the spring.  Maybe it could be S.A.R.A.'s brother or sister (hahaha).