Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 09:34

Dear Ms. Slaybaugh,

How will this entire experiment and the data from the research effect our future?

Thanks, Mary

Stacy Kim

Hi Mary,
This is actually Stacy, Cameo is busy dive tending today but I wanted you to get an answer quickly.
We know very little about Antarctica because it is so difficult to get here and to do research under the ice. SCINI is making doing research a lot easier.  This will effect our future because Antarctica controls about 80% of the Earth's weather pattern, so what is going on down here makes a difference in whether our homes are in rainy or snowy, or windy or calm places.  SCINI will help us understand Antarctica, and thus our whole planet, a little better.
Thank you for such an excellent question!
Best, Stacy