Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 08:08

Hey are name is erica and serena and we are one of Mr Penestons students and we wanted to know some things well i (serena) wants to know what happens if you do go there and you get sick and then like the animals catch what ever you have couldn't it interfere with the wildlife i mean you never know when your going to get sick so how would you prevent it or how would you know your not going to get sick. Any way i hope you don't get sick and have funLaughing

Cameo Slaybaugh

Hi Serena and Erica -
Thanks for the qeustions.  If you get sick, then you can go to the doctor.  However, if it is serious they have to send you by plane to New Zealand.  They are very serious about trying to avoid spreading disease.  They had us take a flu shot before we came to Antarctica and then there are hand-washing stations everywhere.
You are not supposed to get close to the animals.  In fact, if it looks like the animal is being bothered or too attracted to you, then you are supposed to move away.  This helps to prevent humans from spreading diseases to the animals.  The safety of the animals and the environment is one of the biggest priorities in Antarctica.
If you have any other questions, then please write. 
Thanks Serena for the great questions and your well wishes.
Cameo :) 


Hey its serena again you say you have to stay away from the animals or have to back up from them if it looks like they're upset, but in one of the videos I was watching I saw that the seal was swimming with you. Have you ever had an animal come too close to you it got like too close to the point that if you were sick that they could catch it too, and have you ever made an animal so upset that it started chasing you, attacking on land, or below sea. Also, is it often to see baby animals there? Even furthermore, do you make holes or can you find a hole that a seal has previously used. I'm sorry for all the questions non-stop, being about animals it's just I think that what you get to do is so amazing and cool what made you wanna be a science teacher and made you say agree to what your doing now?

Cameo Slaybaugh

Hi Serena -
I don't mind your questions at all.
When the divers are in the water they may see seals but they are very careful about how they interact with them.  
I have never had an animal get upset with me and chase me (thank goodness).
I have seen lots of baby animals.  The penguins have eggs right now.  This summer I went to Africa and saw baby elephants, giraffes, zebras, and wildebeests.
When you dive it is necessary to drill and then melt a hole.  Sometimes the seals will use the hole (I saw a seal when I went to chip out a dive hole).  However, it is so cold here that the dive hole will refreeze and you have to open it up again.
I hope that you will keep asking questions.  Talk to you soon.
Cameo :) 


its serena again lol
so what made you wanna go on this whole idk adventure that your on out like all the teachers and scienctes in the world like what about it made you wanna go up in to the freezing cold i mean living here in liverpool in the winter makes me mad even what we have right now with a little snow on the ground. What makes it so fun and dose the cold even bother you that much and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! =]

Cameo Slaybaugh

Hi Serena -
I have wanted to visit Antarctica for a long time.  I was interested in seeing a place very few people ever have or ever will see.  I also wanted to see a place that for the most part has been unspoiled.  Sometimes I look around where I live and I think about what it will be like in 20 years.  The picture doesn't look very pretty.  I hope that the work being done in Antarctica might help make this picture a little prettier and I am thrilled to get to be a little part of that.
As for the cold weather, I have been lucky that it hasn't been that bad.  What is a problem is the wind.  It can get really wicked.  A few times I thought the ends of my fingers were going to break off.  Luckily, it got better and I went right back out again.
I keep telling myself that in a very short time I won't get to be in a place like this.  I want to savor every moment, the good, the bad, and the cold.
Is there any place that you really want to visit?  Maybe it is Antarctica.
I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and thanks for writing.
Cameo :) 


hey its serena-
uhh yea i really wanna go to europe and go to england because the show i watch i know its not a good reason to go there because one the show i watch is sci fi and that it invalves aliens but it seems like fun i wanna go to cardiff and i wanna go there cause of there acents i like them lol its kinda weird i know but uhh i would never go to antarica cause i really get mad when my hands are cold i dnt think i would like it there and yea i had a good thanksgiving thank you for asking

Cameo Slaybaugh

Hi Serena -
I watch Sci Fi too.  What show are you talking about?  I went to England and I really liked it.  They have lovely accents and everyone was really nice.  It is a little expensive.
I understand about Antarctica.  Right now it is not that cold.  The only time it really gets to me is when the wind blows.  Then I am very cold.  They have hand warmers that really help.
We had a nice Thanksgiving but we celebrated on Saturday instead of Thursday.
Thanks for the the questions and I really enjoy talking to you.  Talk to you soon.
Cameo :)