Michele, Welcome to the PolarTREC gang! Have a blast in CA with Stacy and the rest of the SCINI group. I'm heading to the Ice around the same time as you. Hopefully we'll get to meet down there. Please send a "Hello" to Stacy for me. Cheers! Sarah

Michele Cross

Thanks Sarah!! I'm actually in Denver right now, headed back home. CA was wonderful!! It was my first time there, and the Pacific was more than I'd imagined!! SCINI is one amazing "gal"...Stacy and Bob are OK, too...LOL!! Actually, I'm incredibly blessed! I will be sure to pass your message along and am looking forward to meeting you! Take care!! Michele

Terry Welch

Hi Sarah,
I'm looking forward to following your Antarctic experience this fall with my Coupeville students. Your project looks really interesting. I'd love to have you be a guest speaker when you return! Have fun down there.