Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 09/21/2009 - 07:40

what is the longest time someone has been in antarchica? how did the fish in antarchitca get the chemical trait in there blood that could possible help sicknesses? some of the fish down there are the same type of animal but much larger. why is that? plus the ocean is much colder down there so if these underwater animals migrated, how would they be able to servive?

Stacy Kim

Some of the original explorers stayed in Antarctica for several yearsat a time. Sometimes they meant to, and sometimes they got stuck.
Some Antarctic fish evolved antifreeze proteins to help them survive
living at temperatures below freezing. Those antifreeze proteins may
someday be useful to help preserve organs for transplant or to slow
down metabolic processes during long surgical procedures.
Some of the Antarctic fish grow slowly but live for a long time, and
that allows them to reach very large sizes.
It is unlikely that marine invertebrates from Antarctica could survive
migration into temperate waters.
On Sep 21, 2009, at 8:40 AM, wrote: