Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 12:34

How often do you experience the Aurora Borealis? How long does it usually last for? Does it occur over numerous days?


Michele Cross

Hi Jeremy,
The Aurora Borealis takes place up north. The southern hemisphere light show--or south pole version--is called Aurora Australis. The southern lights occur from March to September and can last several hours a night when it is clear and cold.
The engineers have had the privilege of witnessing this phenomena as there are still hours of darkness. When I'm there, it'll be light 24/7. Check out the following link and refer to the Sept. 25th blog written by Marco--
Some day I hope to see this amazing light show for myself!

Stacy Kim

Hi Jeremy,Because I work in the Antarctic during the austral summer, it is light
24 hours a day. Since it never gets dark, I do not get a chance to
see the aurora. In the southern hemisphere, they call it the Aurora
Australis instead of the Aurora Borealis as they do in the northern
Best, Stacy
On Sep 24, 2009, at 1:34 PM, wrote: