Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 09/29/2009 - 06:06

Most of the time some are on the ice, but how do you keep warm on the ice during the day and night?

  • Eugene
  • Michele Cross

    Most excellent question Eugene! This is something I've never experienced, but I understand that our sleeping bag is the biggest, comfiest, warmest, snuggliest sleeping bag around! I believe that we'll also have a couple of mattress pads--of the campling variety--under us for added insulation at "night". 
    In terms of clothing, we are issued extreme cold weather gear before we leave New Zealand, and that gear includes much! But, most people recognize the big red goose down parka and the white "bunny boots". If we're getting cold, we also do exercises to get the old blood flowing again so that we can begin to warm up. Eating when hungry will help as well!
    Mrs. Cross