Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 09/18/2009 - 07:39

how cold is it there? intro to science ashley s

Stacy Kim

Hi Ashley,
When we will be there, it will be summer, and temperatures could get
as high as 10 degrees C (that's 50 degrees F). But the team that is
down there now had a day with temperatures of minus 90 degrees C
(minus 130 degrees F). That is including wind chill, which makes it
much colder.
Best, Stacy

Michele Cross

Hi Ashley,
When you see us in the big red parkas, you can assume that it's pretty cold and probably windy. Look for pictures where you see us in a fleece or maybe even Carharts and a long sleeve t-shirt! You might even see me in shorts if it gets in the 40's F. Regardless, we will have clothes for just about any temperature.
Take care!
Mrs. Cross